COVID-19 vaccines include so many arguments and people are eagerly waiting for a vaccine to destroy the virus. Here, we bring to you the recent update about the vaccine preparation. Read on to know more.

These days, all talks stop on the topic – when we have a coronavirus vaccine. 9 months we have spent in the horror of the virus. Many lives have lost in this journey and many are still fighting. Many people win over the virus and shared their experiences to make the world confident to fight against the virus. But, until there is a vaccine, the horror will exist. Let’s take a look at the preparation of vaccines. To get more such updates, read our world news article.

What does a vaccine do?

Vaccines train our body’s natural defense that is our immune system to recognize and identify the threats of viruses or bacteria and kill them. The vaccine will help you to destroy the virus if your body exposes to it.

The race of Vaccines:

Currently, nearly 182 vaccine candidates are preparing themselves for the virus fight at an unprecedented speed. There is a race in the world to invent the vaccines first and we also want to have it as early as possible. 36 candidates are right now on the clinical trial and of them, 9 is the final stage of human trials.

The situation in India:

In India, around 8 candidates are trying to develop COVID-19 vaccines and of them, 2 names have entered the phase II trials.

Trials for the COVID-19 Vaccines:

The preparation of vaccines has been divided into four stages – Preclinical stage, Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III. The preclinical stage is the beginning stage, but the main trial starts with Phase I where dozens of volunteers participate in it for the 6 months. Phase II includes hundreds of volunteers, and phase III needs thousands of volunteers.

When you will get a vaccine?

The expected timeline for the vaccine is thought to be the year-end. No vaccine is ready yet. But we all are hoping for the best. Here are the lists of the vaccines that are on the clinical trials now and they hold a great expectation from the world to cure this virus.

Vaccine names:


This vaccine presently undergoes the phase III trials in the US. As per the data, the company will reveal the effectiveness of the vaccine by the end of October. The vaccine may apply for emergency approval after completing all stages successfully. If the vaccine is approved, it will be the first vaccine that will be made available by the authority for fighting against the Corona Virus. The expected date of the availability is November or December.


It is also in the phase III trials and the effectiveness of the vaccine will be released by December and it will also apply for the emergency approval. The authority said to launch the vaccine from December to January 2021.

AstraZeneca/Oxford University:

The phase III trials of the vaccine have stopped after one of the participants developed severe illnesses. In England and India, trials have resumed. The expected timeline is early next year.

Chinese and Russian Vaccines:

Three Chinese vaccines and one Russian vaccine are already in use, although none of them has completed the phase III trials.

In India:

Serum Institute has earned headlines for bringing vaccines. Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is presently undergoing phase II and phase III trials. Serum institute also invested in a vaccine developed by Novavax, a US pharma company, and the vaccine is in the phase II trials in South Africa and it will soon start Phase III in October.

DR. Reddy’s laboratories will bring the Russian vaccine, although the trial date is not fixed yet.

Hyderabad-based Biological E also enters the race and presently the vaccine undergoes combined Phase I and Phase II trials. Phase III will start soon in October.

Bharat Biotech and Zydus Cadila are two Indian companies that are in the phase II trials now.

So, these are the conditions of vaccines for the COVID-19. It can be said that we will get a vaccine soon. Till then, stay safe at your home and avoid virus exposure. Read our world news article to know what is happening around the world.

The writer of the content is a researcher and he is writing many blogs on COVID-19. He is also a renowned blogger in the health care field.